Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Eight Guidlines for Teachers

This article I think is very helpful to the teachers that are unsure of technology use in the classroom. It acted almost as an eye opener for me of how important technology is and how it is starting to be just a fact of life in the education setting. Being a very "artsy" person the guideline that really stuck out to me was the one titled adopt art as the next R. There are so many ways that digital, and non-digital, art can be integrated into the different subjects of the classroom. I feel that it can act as a key element for the "hook" factor in learning. Students want to be active and interested in what they are doing, so why not look for opportunities to give that to them using technology and art? Integrating these factors into everyday learning, I think could make our students more well rounded and prepared for the technological changes that are ahead of them.

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