Thursday, May 13, 2010

ipod app

I found this program very frustrating and it did not work at all, but i think it would have been cool if it worked.

Pod casting

For our pod casting I found it similar to imovie and i didn't like it as muh, but i do realize that it would be a little more user friendly for students.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Website Authenticity/ Search Engines

I was amazed in today's class how many false websites are out on the internet that are false but made to look like they are true, such as Martin Luther King. org done by a supremacy group. It is not that this is false but it is opinionated that lacked background proof.

I also found it interesting when we played around with the search engines to see the differences in them and how they have changed over the years.

I think when using these in a classroom we have to be very aware of what is going on with internet use and let the students know to be aware as well, and that multiple sources are important because there is a lot of information and false information that is available to them, and very easily accessed.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Google Earth

I Love Google Earth! I think it is a great concept and for older grades to integrate technology into the classroom skills. Students can use a tour type presentation to do like a get to know you atmosphere. For example places they have gone or lived. They also can also use it in science to show like hurricane routes and impacts, and other natural disasters the possibilities are unlimited. For my short presentation I did one titled Walking with Shakespeare which included real places that either his plays were set or was the inspiration of his works. I also tied it to a semi-local resource that we have in Oregon which is the Oregon Shakespeare Festival in Ashland.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

imovie Commercial

I was incredibly shocked how easy and user friendly a program that can do the complexity of things can be. When we were using the program, yes our group came up with questions, but after a little playing we were able to figure it out.

I think that this would be such a fun activity to do for upper grades like 5th grade to high school. This project can not only develop camera and technical skills, but group and speaking skills as well.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Photography as Tool

In the past class we worked a lot with adobe photoshop and the creations that we can do with it. I have always been a fan of photoshop and the amazing things it can do for both the technological and artistic world. It amazes me the things it can do and how easy it is for our future students to make fabulous creations. With the help of photoshop educators have an unlimited number of visual resources at their finger tips and can impliment them in any subject.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Eight Guidlines for Teachers

This article I think is very helpful to the teachers that are unsure of technology use in the classroom. It acted almost as an eye opener for me of how important technology is and how it is starting to be just a fact of life in the education setting. Being a very "artsy" person the guideline that really stuck out to me was the one titled adopt art as the next R. There are so many ways that digital, and non-digital, art can be integrated into the different subjects of the classroom. I feel that it can act as a key element for the "hook" factor in learning. Students want to be active and interested in what they are doing, so why not look for opportunities to give that to them using technology and art? Integrating these factors into everyday learning, I think could make our students more well rounded and prepared for the technological changes that are ahead of them.